From the Mat to the Vault, A Supportive Place to Learn and Grow.


Springers Gymnastics' recreational programming aims to ensure all children experience gymnastics in a safe and fun atmosphere. Children are grouped according to their age and level, and will follow the CanGym National Badge Program in a rewarding environment.

All recreational coaches are National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) certified.

Many of Springers' coaches have experience as former gymnasts and, in turn, provide innovative and exciting ideas to their class.


Daytime programs offer small classes that focus on socialization and skill development with age-appropriate activities in a child-friendly environment.


Beginner, intermediate and advanced programs are offered Monday to Thursday evenings for boys and girls of all ages.


Providing busy families with Saturday options for the majority of programs, Springers runs classes between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each weekend.